Posted 27th May 2015
My distinguish brothers and sisters who has brazed all odds in the face of this failing and crumbling entity to attend this occasion. I welcome you and thank you all. I greet you on behalf of Edo unity foundation. We are gathered here in Eko, called Lagos by the Portuguese. We all know how we got to know this place as Eko as Edo settlement. Abundant evidence of this background exist in history. The Edoid race occupies present day Isoko, Edo, Delta and Ondo.
The purpose of this history is to remind the Edoid stock here of our proud past to compare our present situation as slaves. Today, i would not know how you got here, i couldn't find fuel to transport myself here. I have to brazed very serious odds to reach here. This is occasioned by our peculiar voodoo special country, their country. You are going to see the coronation of Gen.Buhari as the new leader with issues of perjury around his purported certificate which is a clear violation of the constitution should the law allow his corrotion. this can only be witnessed in a failed state. Having supervised the death of Ambrose Ali that gave free education in Bendel state.
We simply cannot refine crude oil that is available in Edoid soil to fuel our economy. As we gathered here, some able bodied young Edoid people have completely lost hope in what Lugard and Flora called Nigeria in 1914.
They commit suicide daily by crossing to Europe by leg. The question is, how did we get here? The one who cannot join these pilgrimage of death are used by local political thugs as sex slaves and terrorists. Now, we are gathered here on the platform of the Lower Niger Congress in Lagos.
Here represented are communities, what some people would call the South-South and South-East gathered here are underdogs fighting for basic dignity against oppression. Here are Ibo people who suffered genocide aided by the western world and lost 3.5million people during the Nigeria Civil war. Here again are Benin people who were massacred by Britain in 1897 and looted their entire treasury. entering another military pact with Britain must be seen in this light as a continuation of both wars and so must be resisted.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of these are done to impose Nigeria that has no direction, focus and vision on you, to perpetuate and sustain the rape of your resources, distort your peace, stifle your development and a programmed genocide. You are gathered here to know that the Law that say you are a Nigerian is a forged paper. It is forged because it does not have your input and consent. So the news that Nigeria cannot refined her crude is not strange to us. The crude is a stolen commodity in the Lower Niger. This is made possible through bloodshed for close to 100 years now. What i want you to take home is that;
1. The newly elected incoming government has promised change. two days ago, I heard Prof Osibanjo lament that the country is broke, owing about N600 billion as debt. The incumbent Finance minister supported the view by stepping the debate up that the debt has been accumulated since 1960
2.That those who did not die through the civil war, all the programs in the North, Boko haram are alive as ransoms to pay this debt while the elected political office holders continues to get the highest pay on earth for leading the country to death and debt with support from Britain and some Western slave master.
3. Go home and tell your children that Prince Tony Edherue told you today that you are a coward and a fool. for accepting that Nigeria can work with this present logjam of the North ganging up against the people of the Lower Niger with support from Yoruba with the single intention to posses the oil field in the Lower Niger.
4. That it is only wise to follow the path to peace as allowed by the united Nations that the Lower Niger people are entitle to SELF-DETERMINATION.
So having heard Dr Tony Nnamdi addressed the people in Washington on the forged Nigeria constitution that does not have your consent, on behalf of the Lower Niger. I want you to go home and ponder on these revelations realizing that you and your generation are a conquered people therefore owe yourself a single duty. You must rise again. Your community has no reason to remain poor if not rogue Nigeria state. Thank God the weight of ineptitude and corruption is crumbling her fast. I wish you safe journey back to your various units and communities.
God bless you
Long live Edo United Kingdom
Long live Edo Unity Foundation
Long live the Lower Niger Congress