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ENC Demand FG To Revisit The Benin River Delta Boundary Arrangement.

ENC Demand FG To Revisit The Benin River Delta Boundary Arrangement. By Uwagboe Ogieva 15 Feb 2015 A group recognise as the Edo Nationalist Congress (ENC) in a comunique today demand for the peaceful resolution of the Benin River Delta boundry that was fraudulently designed by the boudary commission during Obasanyo and Babangida regime from the deformed Midwestern/ Bendel state of Nigeria. ENC whose members are coaliation of the ethnic minorities from the former Midwestern/Bendel state, publish in their official web today that the ethnic minorities in the region are of same ancestry, the Great Benin Kingdom, they have lived together for centuries without quarrel of communial boundary conflict. The group also demand the presidency to look into providing an international airport say Oba Erediawa International Airport in Edo, release fund and contracts for the development of gelegele seaport for economic growth and development of the region. The midwestern state of Nigeria produce the highest potion of the Nigerian wealth and must have infrastructures, companies, institutions to show for it. source:

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