The Future of Nigeria Forward Looking Strategy
The compulsory merging of old African nations by European powers at theBerlin Conference of 1884 has created problems not only in Nigeria, but also inthe rest of Africa. The Berlin exercise has since resulted in politicalimbalance in government and is the source of conflict amongst the peoples ofNigeria and Africa as a whole. In a true democracy, all citizens are guaranteedequal treatment; equal opportunity to attain any height, and equalparticipation at all levels. However, in a multi-ethnic society with a largenumber of nationalities, such as Nigeria, one-man-one-vote ceases to fulfillthe Western style democracy that works well in mono-ethnic European countries.Also, the military's long intervention in the politics of Nigeria has not pavedthe way for a true democratic system to take off in the country.
To successfully address the Nigerian problem, Edo Okpamakhin [ AnAssociation of Edo Nationals] propose a governmental structure that guaranteesequal treatment for all Nigerians. After several deliberations and examinationsof the causes of friction amongst the peoples of Nigeria, it is EdoOkpamakhin's position that the present Federal system cannot promote peace,harmony and stability. The ethnic rivalries amongst the peoples of Nigeria andthe perception of one-ethnic domination have all hindered progress and set thewhole country back. For a progressive and prosperous Nigeria, Edo Okpamakhinurges a governmental structure that empowers the peoples.
Edo Okpamakhin therefore, propose a UNION OF NIGERIA government system,made up of Regions. Each Region shall be autonomous within the powers ofRegions in the 1952 and 1954 Constitution, and with all privileges and rightsto secede from the Union if at least 60 percent of its electorate so agree througha referendum. Each Region within the Union of Nigeria, in cooperation with itspeople may create as many States or Counties or Semi-Autonomous Territories asit may desire and can sustain within its own territory. Likewise, each sucharea within a Region, in cooperation with its people shall be responsible forthe creation of such number of local governments as it may wish and cansustain. The creation of States and local governments shall not be a UnionGovernment subject.
Thus, a mono-nationality Region like the Yoruba or Igbo will be free todecide to have sub-ethnic Counties, or a mono-nationality Region like the Hausawill be free to decide to be divided into sub-ethnic Emirates, or amulti-nationality Region in the South-West or South-East or Middle Belt areawill be free to choose to have ethnic States and/or Semi-Autonomous Territoriesexercising powers limited to a sub-State level. Any Region may also elect tohave sub-ethnic States, which it must by itself sustain without any dependenceupon the assistance of the Union.
In creating the Regions, Edo Okpamakhin's hope, however slim, is todirect North-South, East-West political rivalries that have been exploitednegatively into constructive channels. Therefore, size, similarities,convenience, historical associations, culture, ethno linguistic identity wereall considered in recommending Eight (8) Regions [see attached old and newNigeria maps] for the Union. Edo Okpamakhin strongly believes the currentstructure of the Federation of Nigeria only further aggravates and intensifiesthe desires of its ethnic nationalities to secede, as seen from many sectors ofthe country. Nations that have empowered all their citizens have not onlyenjoyed peace and stability, but have also been able to keep theirnationalities intact.
Edo Okpamakhin is aware of suggestions from other quarters for Six (6)Regions (i.e. 3 North, 3 South), but does not believe that this formation islikely to endure for any length of time because of its inherent contradictions.To minimize the contradictions and increase Nigeria's chances of stability, EdoOkpamakhin recommends that any six-Region formula should recognize, borrow fromand endorse historic agitation, i.e. divide each of the 3 old Regions as atindependence into a majority and minority Region as follows:
NORTH: Northern (or Hausa) Region and Middle Belt Region
WEST: Western (or Yoruba) Region and Midwest (Bendel) Region
EAST: East Central (or Igbo) Region and South East Region
A Second Option would be to abandon the Regional structure and opt for aNigerian Federation consisting strictly of Nationality States able to finance,man and exercise the powers and functions, which the Regions had atindependence. Under this formula, it would not be necessary to prescribe thenumber of States but only to provide that any Nationality, which could byitself meet the above criterion, could be a State, and any Nationality, whichcould not so qualify, would be free to coalesce with a neighbor or neighbors inorder to qualify for statehood. The test of qualification would includeresources, financial, viability, and manpower, in order to coalesce,geographical contiguity. Nigeria would thus be a Federation of Nationalitiesinstead of Regions. Such provisions should be equally applicable with respectto States and Local government areas, but not in the case of Semi-AutonomousTerritories, which are intended to protect the individuality, language andculture of much smaller nationalities exercising only limited locality powers.
There is a Third Option. If the Northern oligarchy, refuses to provide orallow a democratic platform for discussion of the proposals made in thismemorandum and contemporary submissions by other patriotic groups, then EdoOkpamakhin would propose a Federation of Southern Nationalities States, withthe conditions set out for the Second Option above. In this case, there couldequally be a Federation of Middle Belt Nationalities States and a Federation ofNorthern Nationalities States. A Confederation of the three Federations couldeasily be a workable arrangement.
It is proposed that most functions of the former Federal government shallbe handled at the Regional, State, County, Semi-Autonomous Territory and Locallevels. The Regional representatives elected shall SELECT the President of theUnion to represent their Regions. The President of the Union shall hold officefor one (1) year only as under the Constitution of Switzerland and the officeof the President shall rotate among the Regional representatives. The Regional,State, County, Local government and Semi-Autonomous leaders shall all beELECTED under a parliamentary system and therefore answerable to theirconstituents.
To address the biggest source of disagreement and cause of friction amongthe peoples of Nigeria, EQUITABLE distribution of public revenue must beaddressed. Edo Okpamakhin prefers a bottom up, as opposed to a top down,approach currently being practiced. This means that each territory or communityshould have control over its natural resources and pay taxes on the revenuederived there from in the following percentages to the followingauthorities:
Union Government 25%
Regional Government 25%
State or County Government 30%
LocalGovernment/Semi-Autonomous Territory 20%
In each case - whether Regional, State, County, Local government orSemi-Autonomous Territory - a Constitutional Conference of representatives ofthe people of the area concerned should formulate and decide democratically theconstitution of their area. For example, Edo Okpamakhin does not regard it asjustifiable if non-Edos were to decide the internal Constitution of Edoland.Edo Okpamakhin is ready to make submissions for the structure and government ofEdoland at an All-Edo Constitutional Conference.
The duties, functions and powers of the Union, Regional, State, County,Local Government and Semi-Autonomous Territories are summarized later in theseproposals.