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Nigeria Need A Human Revolution

EDO UNITED NATION OUR LIFE OUR FUTURE: Nigeria Need A Human Revolution By Prince Iguma 21 November 2014

Nigerian need a human revolution so let see how we can make a peaceful revolution successful...Human revolution means turning our lives in a positive direction, from unhappiness to happiness. It is the transformation of the tendency to allow ourselves to be swept along by force of habit or to feel ourselves at the mercy of the whims of destiny,we are not destine to poverty in this nation,The incredible power to do this already exists inside us; Our future self does not exist in some far-off place in Europe and america or even in Abuja;it exists in the heart and mind of our present self. That is why we must face and tackle the realities that confront us;It is not about how others are or how society is. The most important thing is to ask yourself, “What should I do?” and “What can I do?” One who stands up with moral courage and conviction can change society and create waves of transformation around the world; Nigerians standup with courage use your voters card to change this suffering of our people it's now or never 2015 it's the judgement day of Nigerian human revolution let our people decide,government of impunity,corruption as usual situation,terrorist promotion,deceive of the common citizens with different lies,clueless military's a shame to this God bless nation...change is the only way out..

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