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Challenges Facing The Realisation Of The Long Held Vision For Edo Nation


By Charles Omorodion

23 November 2014

My fellow Edos,

Since the so called punitive expedition of 1897 the Edos have been romanticising the idea of an independently Federated Edo National State based on the geographical territories of the Benin Empire. The recent Boko Haram saga coupled with the CIA prediction of Nigeria becoming a failed state in 2015 and the expiration of the legal framework that created Nigeria through the amalgamation of the British Southern and Northern protectorate in 1914 has all but electrified the yearning and strategizing for an independence Federal EDO NATION comprising the Benin Commonwealth of nations, kingdoms and clans. This then beg the following questions: 1. Is Edo Nationalism Movement a myth or reality? 2. Will this movement gravitate or cumulate to the formation of a Federated Edo National State? 3. What practical measures are in place to strategize towards this dream? 4. Has any consultation been undertaken with the Benin commonwealth of kingdoms and clans to bring them into embracing this romanticised Edo National State? Addressing the aforementioned questions will help to elucidate, illuminate and direct our minds to the quagmire, practicality and myths of creating the Federation of Edo Nations as an independent country.

The greatest challenge in this project is funding, funding and funding. Other factors you have all mentioned are just as important. However, without proper funding the publicity and campaign will fall flat on its face. The task is bigger than we are currently articulating. For example, to organise a referendum, eligible voters who are preferably 16 years and above living within Edoland needs to be registered to vote. There is need for media blitz including: TV, radio, and newspaper campaigns plus intellectual debates happening simultaneously within all targeted communities across Edoland. Many people will support the status quo (to remain in Nigeria), there would be those sitting on the fence (not sure or undecided) that needs to be persuaded. Moreover, not all the ethnic nationalities will like to join us, unless they feel their future is more secured and assured within Edo Nation. So there will be horse trading and continuous negotiations with all stakeholders. Let’s learn from recent example, the people that killed off the Scottish referendum where the Scottish people themselves not English people. Our stakeholders must include skilful strategists, tacticians, streetwise stewards, academics, constitutional lawyers, religious leaders and traditional institutions, civic society organisations, youths, market women, students etc. Our roles in this project include setting the independence yes campaign agenda, developing strategic plans, policies, tactics, funding, logistics and campaign plans. We need to coordinate these facets of activities effectively and efficiently, including determining the political structures, institutional framework, political and ideological bent (whether to adopt parliamentary (UK style) or presidential (USA style) system of government), whether to have multiple party political system or having two or three parties as in US. How to reorganise our geographical space, including how many states and local governments to create, based on our geopolitical landscape. Each member of this forum needs to concentrate on one or two key issues to address. We need a full-fledged programme plan, well-articulated, well planned, and with detailed action plans, dates, times and we need to train people to execute our plans. We need to plan our campaign strategies, cost them and identify the media outlets, their impact and reach. Above all, we need to identify and articulate the benefits of Edo Nation independence. The benefits (advantages) must be weighed against the costs (disadvantages) of remaining within Nigeria. This will form the basis of our independance argument and campaigns for Edo Nation.

I hope this contribution is helpful to the realisation of our long held vision for Edo Nation

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